I love this picture, it was taken almost one year ago.
It is my work, and this is one of my favourite pose when I take self-portrait, it is like trying to look back at what had happened in your past on yourself.
I would like to look back to what happened on me during the one year from the time I took this picture until today. What is different now, what has changed so far...
I believe most of the things about me changed, except my photography skill, still far way to improve :p
But when I said things about me changed, they really changed drastically.
During last year, around these days I was struggling with my last job, I was too stressed with the work load I had, I was not satisfied with the pay, I was not happy; I had the plan to quit and go travelling in New Zealand for as long as I could with the working holiday visa that I applied earlier. I did quit my last job and went to New Zealand on April, but I did not stay longer than a month where my visa would allow me to stay up to 9 months. I went to the furthest country I ever traveled and I spent my 3 and a half week backpack, with my camera, with my long lost imagination. It was my most fulfilling solo travel so far (after Japan, and Taiwan).
I came back to Singapore after New Zealand for a start of new job, which is my current job, as sales executive for another Japanese co. Things were fine, and I started to handle works I ever handled alone, I think those were good chances for me to learn. I had a better pay, and I had a better life, I moved to a more comfortable place to stay instead of renting a room from a family as landlord, I have now a larger space to move around, I can watch TV at living room, I can cook at the kitchen, and I can be topless walking within the house. I have good and friendly housemates.
Besides all the good things that happened on me for this one year, there are unbearable pain I received too, from someone I love, I felt cheated and I was at many times tired and felt life is too much to handle. I gave up and found the hope back myself. I survived.
I am positive thinker, ever; or should I say I am forgetful? Neither are good things for me, I always find hope in the next morning when I wake up, the next day always looks a good day to start a new life.
The day before was another good day for me, I received a satisfying increment from my company, I promised to myself that only comparing my life with my past, and not with people who never lived my days.